FOSAJ 10k is an international group endeavor by Artists for the Artists of Jakmel Haiti. It is based upon the belief that providing artists in residence with workspace must be a priority for urban economic revitalization and civic engagement. Creating a cohesive art community results in a decrease of crime and juvenile delinquency, fights poverty and changes economics. Art as an individual identity as well as a community identity must first begin with the pragmatic logistics of having dedicated studios and exhibition spaces. These funds will ensure that when Fosaj and Jakmel are ready to begin rebuilding, artists and art centers will be central to the recovery of individuals, neighborhoods and the region.

These images have been made available by Artists and Sponsors for a $30.00 donation. Thanks to them 100% of the proceeds generated here will go directly toward the rebuilding of the Fanal Otantik Sant D'A Jakmel Art Center.

At this stage we are recruiting artists and supporters to join the FOSAJ10k team. _If you are interested in submitting work or sponsoring services, please email us at

Understand that Jakmel Haiti is still in a state of emergency and this site is just getting off the ground - please be patient as we compile artists and organize these efforts.

Special thanks to Other Peoples Pixels
for sponsoring this website, and to COUPRALUX for sponsoring their printing services